Empowering You to Create Gender-Inclusive Spaces

Citrine Culture Consulting is a queer-owned consulting business making Gender Identity competency both accessible and digestible. Together we can explore where learning gaps exist and how we can take actionable steps to create a community where people of all genders are valued. 


How We Can Help

Whether you are new to prioritizing gender inclusion or you are a seasoned advocate, there is always something we can do to create or support inclusive environments. We offer custom training and facilitation solutions to become more conversational in diversity, equity, and inclusion, with a specialization in Gender Identity. Citrine Culture offers Group Facilitation, Consulting, and One-on-One Coaching. 

Empathetic Facilitation
Creating learning environments where everyone has an opportunity to learn and grow together.
Quality Content
Teaching Gender Identity core concepts in a digestible manner so that all participants leave with the tools they need to include and support LGBTQIA2S+ folks.

Not sure where to start?

Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation where we can discuss your Gender Identity journey: where you are, where you want to go, and how Citrine Culture can help you get there.